Friday, October 17, 2008

First Posting

I wanted a place to express the things that bug me instead of ranting to family and friends.

What really bothers me today is how socialist Obama is. "Redistribute, spread the wealth, take from the rich to give to those that are not!" SOCIALISM!! I heard a caller on a radio talk show today say he was going to vote for Obama because he needed money and Obama was going to give him some. When asked if he thought it was okay to take money away from someone who worked to earn it, he said yes!!!

The taxes I paid all my life have gone to support those in the lower income brackets, and my communtiy. I'm middle class. I pay my way in life. We work hard to provide for our family. Our children competed for scholarships, & FAPSA money for college, and worked, took student loans, etc. No one gave them a free education.

I could never in my lifetime vote for any candidate who plans to bring Marxist Socialism to my government.